SEOPS Buys Falcon 9 for GTO Rideshare!   Read More
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We would like to hear from you! Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.

What is the name of your spacecraft or mission?
Satellite Category:
If CubeSat, what is the form-factor of your satellite?
Whats the mass of your satellite (kg)?
What are the dimensions of your satellite? (Typically in __x__x__ cm)
Does your satellite design include propulsion?
Do you plan to provide the separation system or would you like SEOPS to secure this for you?
If Yes; What separation system do you have or plan to use?
What size separation system do you require?
Are there any special considerations that we need to know to secure capacity or integrate you satellite to a Launch Vehicle?
Do you require a Radio License?
If you have an ESPA class satellite or larger, will you need access to the PPF for the launch vehicle?
What is your desired/anticipated launch date?
What is the orbit or destination for your satellite?
Engineering Lead Name:
Engineering Lead Email
Engineering Lead Phone

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