• September 24, 2024

SEOPS is Opening New Frontiers

SEOPS is Opening New Frontiers

SEOPS is Opening New Frontiers 1024 682 SEOPS Space


At SEOPS, we’re opening a new frontier to expand responsive space access and we’re excited to bring our customers along on the journey. For nearly a decade, we have been quietly working with U.S. government and commercial clients and now we’re setting our sights on the burgeoning frontier of the European Space sector. Our debut at the upcoming SpaceTech Expo in Bremen, Germany marks a pivotal moment as we aim to showcase SEOPS’ capabilities and track record to a wider audience.

Much like the pioneers who ventured into the American frontier with unwavering determination and rugged perseverance, the SEOPS team approaches the new frontier of space with the same bold vision and unrelenting drive. We embrace, and frankly thrive, on the challenges of expanding space access with resilience and adaptability, ensuring that each of our customer missions reflects our commitment to success.

Here are three guiding principles that define SEOPS as we deliver solutions for our customers: 

# 1 Relentless Drive for Our Customers

While many companies claim they are dedicated to their customers, true commitment is rare. At SEOPS, we forge long-term relationships with our clients, demonstrating a work ethic and “get it done” attitude reminiscent of our pioneering predecessors. Our relentless pursuit of mission success is evident in every project we undertake, as we continuously push the boundaries of space access.

# 2 Adapt to Succeed

In the realm of rideshare and integration systems, many launch service providers are focused on selling their own hardware or deployers because it makes their jobs easier. SEOPS takes a different approach. We remain agnostic about launch vehicles and hardware, prioritizing our customers’ goals over our own convenience. We have experience working with many different launch vehicles and deployment systems (and have developed our own as well). So whether you need a specific launch vehicle or deployment system, we are committed to finding the best solution for your mission.

# 3 Simple Solutions, Sophisticated Results

Our solutions are straightforward and effective. We avoid over-engineering and focus on delivering simple, results-driven solutions. Whether customers require a custom deployer, an OTV for a unique orbital drop-off, or standard integration service, our team has decades of experience and has overseen the successful deployment of more than 400 spacecraft. For nearly a decade, SEOPS has been a trusted partner to the U.S. government and commercial customers, providing reliable rideshare and integration services – and we’re just getting started.

SEOPS is ready to serve the space community as it ventures beyond LEO, to GEO and cislunar destinations. With a legacy of success and past performance, we’re ready to share our story and prove our value to a wider audience. 

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you in Bremen and continuing to share our story. We’re excited to embark on this new journey with you.

Chad Brinkley


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